raper and billionaire mogul Puff Kiddy was living a 24 hour party until the feline bureau of instigation took his PJs, raided his mansions, and told the world he’s sum weird kitten trafficker bcuz some of his so-called frenz sodl him out, even tho they signed the nda. help him clear his good name before they catnap his ass.
Puff Kiddy

warning: tapping here will make u sad

Look at these rats

does a contract mean nothing? apparently not, almost all of these no-good, rotten hoes signed the NDA but now they're flapping their gums on social.

Lil Rood

drank my best drinks, wouldnt even blow me then calls me gae? rat


all of a sudden she tryin to say that the beatings weren't consensual, rat


riddle me this, how you gonna make a bitch rich and she talk shit? rat


used to wrestle over cereal when I was just a bit older now he talkin shit, rat

Jammy Foxx

oh sorry are my parties too wild for you mr fuxx? shouldnt have signed the nda rat


fellow billionaire, looking like a gay painter probably talking shit, rat

Ashton Katcher

he aint said shit yet, but he has weak weasel blood i know he gonna be a fuckin rat

Jostin Beaver

loved him like a young, sexy son, now he showing up in old videos with a new haircut, rat

less important rats: At least 8 of my bodyguards, all my personal chefs, my orthodontist, the 2 hoes from my last music video, my great aunt and papa john.


  • 1 billion supply
  • 90% lp
  • 5% CEX
  • 5% marketing

Mo NFTs Mo Problems Coming Soon

1. Sign the NDA

this protects you just as much as it protects Puff Kiddy and Bad Boi Records, sign it, get it endorsed with an official Kiddy stamp, download a copy and move on to step 2.

2. Sign the Petweetion

we all know he's innocent, help Puff Kiddy prove it with the power of public opinion. tweet #freepkiddy with a picture of your signed NDA to show your support. need help writing the tweet? use the Bad Boi Tweet-o-matic.

you must sign and download a copy of the NDA above to use the Tweet-o-matic

Bad Boi Tweet-o-matic 9000©

Isn't it strange that everyone saying stuff about Puff Kiddy signed an NDA? ✒ #freepkiddy


All characters and events on this site… even those based on real people– are entirely fictional, any celebrity likenesses or similarities are not actually about them, this is just memes. More importantly, nothing on this site should ever be considered, looked upon or misconstrued as financial advice, it’s just for fun.

copyright 2024 Puff Kiddy meme